Talking About DC’s New Absolute Series

DC Comics’ Absolute Universe (AU) is a bold reimagining of its iconic superheroes, presenting them in a contemporary and relatable context. Launched in October 2024 as part of the DC All In initiative, the AU introduces fresh narratives for characters like Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, set in a shared universe designated Earth-Alpha. Absolute Batman In “Absolute Batman,” writer Scott…

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The Penguin Review (No Spoilers)

When Matt Reeves Batman arrived on screen I was taken aback by Colin Farrell and his mega transformation into the iconic villain The Penguin. Then I heard he will get a spin-off series. This I was highly skeptical of. How would a Batman show work without Batman? No way where they going to bring big screen Batman to HBO. And…

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Robin or Dick Grayson Introduced in Batman 2

The Batman sequel starring Robert Pattinson is set to start filming in March 2024. The rumor mill has already begun churning. The latest bit is the introduction of Dick Grayson aka the first Robin. Is it too Early? Yes, it is too early for Robin, but maybe not so much for Dick himself. Bruce is still fleshing out his Bat-persona…

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Why Bale’s Batman would have worked with Henry’s Superman

The Snyderverse is dead, with almost zero chance of any form of resurrection. Looking back, it could have gone so different. What if we got Bale’s Batman instead of Ben’s? I know this sound farfetched, and the most common retort I get is that Nolan Universe was its own contained story. It was a complete story that needs no further…

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