Cosplayer of Month – Jan 2022 – Nanashi_Nase

Cosplayer Name: Nanashi_Nase Name: Nirvana Age: A lot older than I look Instagram: @nanashi_nase TikTok: @nanashi_nase Twitter: @nanashi_nase Favorite Food: Pasta and seafood, especially sushi Favorite Drink: Tea, specifically bubble tea Favorite Movie: Lord of the Rings. It’s a ritual to binge them all at least once a year. Favorite Song: I listen to so much, I’ll say Depeche Mode…

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Why Do Reboots Fail

While first and foremost there is great truth to Hollywood becoming less original and reliant on franchises. Often a franchisee reaches its peak and can no longer be milked. Enter Hollywood’s current default solution, the reboot. The simple act of taking a beloved movie, preferably a franchise (to maximize profits) and restarting it with new everything. Lens flares aside JJ…

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Cosplayer of the Month: April MikaShino Cosplay

Cosplayer name: MikaShino Cosplay Name: (optional) Mika Surname: (optional) N/A Age: 22 Facebook: MikaShino Cosplay Instagram: @mikashino_cos TikTok: @mikashino_cos Twitter: N/A YouTube: MikaShino Cosplay Favorite Food: Sushi Favorite Drink: Coffee Favorite Movie: Descendants Favorite Song: Turning Page by Sleeping at last Favorite Series: Supernatural Favorite Animation/Cartoon: Lilo & Stitch Favorite Anime: Darling in the Franxx Favorite Character: Zero Two (From…

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How to Make Harley Quinn’s Sandwich

Never have wanted a sandwich as much as I wanted the one Harley had (almost) in the currently playing theatres, Birds of Prey. Considering a key ingredient and my current faith, that’s saying a lot. It is not a complicated sandwich, but even in its simplicity, it is a thing to be desired. It is, of course, the Egg and…

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