A Decade of Mayhem

It has been a decade since Project Mayhem burst onto the collecting scene. Since then they have grown from their humble beginnings to being a prominent player. We have known Reza and Nas for just as long. They are more than just friends, the family. This year Project Mayhem is turning the big 10 and they don’t seem to be…

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Local YouTube Channels You Should Subscribe To

YouTube is still one of the best places to consume original content. Like most of you, we love watching reviews and skits on the free site. And having our own channel has given us greater insight into the hard work that goes into making even the shortest of videos. And as such we will be letting you guys discover the…

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Icon 2019 – A Taste of Things to Come

This weekend is ICON, and for the uninitiated, it is Durban’s original convention that revolves around gaming, comics cosplay and a damn fine time. It has grown exponentially over the years. I remember attending my first ICON in 2014. Back then it was known as Icon by the Sea. Since then it has shed its skin to become a well-recognized…

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