This month we wanted to treat you guys to a double dosage of awesomeness. Power Couple Durban Spidey and Pandora230 were kind enough to grace our pages.
Cosplayer name: Durban Spidey
Name: Naweed
Surname: Shah
Age: 32
Instagram: @durban_spidey
TikTok: @durban_spidey
Cosplay Name: Pandora230
Name: Kashiefa Jacobs
Age: 25
IG: @Pandora230
Tik Tok: @Pandora_230
Durban Spidey Favorite Food: pizza, cheeseburgers, and pasta
Pandora230 Favorite Food: Pizza, Sushi, and anything pasta
Durban Spidey Favorite Drink: Tropika pineapple, Fanta grape n Teaaaaaa
Pandora230 Favorite Drink: chocolate milkshake, mountain dew, and cappy
DS Favorite Movie: Spider-man 2, the Replacements, Speed, Godzilla 2014, Jurassic park, fun with Dick and Jane
P Favorite Movie: Oof that’s a hard one🤔 there’s a lot but I’ll choose Ready player one, super underrated movie
DS Favorite Series: Scrubs, Stranger things, Allo Allo, Teen wolf
P Favorite Series: lol idk
a couple of comic books
DS Favorite Animation/Cartoon: Futurama, Ducktales, Avatar the last air bender, Quackpack, the new adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The Looney tunes show, Adventure time, Medabots
P Favorite Cartoon: Adventure Time
DS Favorite Anime: naruto, mob psycho, Dragonball, kill la kill, prison school, days, one punch man, SAO, Hajime no Ippo
P Favorite anime: Always Naruto
couple of cosplayers
DS Favorite Character: Spiderman/Peter Parker, Gohan, Fry, Daffy Duck, Sokka, Coner Kent/Superboy
P Favorite  Character:
DS Favorite Comic: Don’t really have a favorite, I am currently reading Venom and Thor by Donny Cates
P Favorite Comic: I’d say Harleen, 3 part DC black label of Harley’s origin, it’s a really good read and an amazing art style/color pallet
DS Favorite Color: red/blue
DS Fav Colors: Blue, Purple, and Black
DS Favorite Song:Â With Regards to music anything with a good beat that sounds good goes, I don’t really have a favorite, the first three songs on my playlist are Sudno by Molchat, Goodboys, Becky Hill and Notorious BIG plus the Xx – A juicy intro ( Ha! yes Remix ) at the moment
P Favorite Song: I can’t pick just one but two of my favorite artists are Billie Ellish and Melanie Martinez
DS Hobbies: gaming, reading comics, playing soccer, gyming, cosplaying, fishing, and getting heartbroken by Arsenal.
P Hobbies: Gaming, reading comics/manga, Drawing and listening to music.
DS Likes: Driving, animals
P Likes: I love cats! Baby animals Peeling paint off a pallet, it’s oddly satisfying, sweet things, funny memes, bubble wrap, and boxes, I am a cat🤣
DS Dislikes: Littering, Crime
P Dislikes: Â Stupid people. Full stop
Durban Spidey BIO: Just a kid who never grew up, adventurer, cosplayer, gamer
Pandora BIO: HI I’m Kash! An aspiring cosplayer/otaku/gamer girl. My first ever cosplay was Marciline the vampire queen in 2015, it’s was a simple cosplay but it was a start since then I’ve been improving my skills. I met my boyfriend at a convention, who was cosplaying spiderman and I was wonder woman. The amazing thing about this is that we cosplay together and help each other out when we make new things also share ideas. Aside from cosplaying I really enjoy drawing and animating as a hobby.
Durban Spidey Words: I always admired cosplaying, figure/comic collecting, being in Durban there aren’t that many opportunities or events but when they do come around the outcomes always positive, be it new friends, peeps, merch or experiences.
Pandora230 Words: I like the freedom and creativity that cosplay provides. It allows you to bring your favorite characters to life and even put your own spin on the character.