Cosplayer name: Vanity Insanity Cosplay

Name: Catherine

Surname: Clark

Age: 101







Favorite Food: Ramen, Sushi

Favorite Drink: Watermelon Arizona Iced Tea

Favorite Movie: Year One

Favourite Song: If I Killed Someone for You – Alec Benjamin, Mr. Bright Side – The Killers, After Dark – Mr. Kitty, Coke – Bloxx, Can You Feel My Heart – Bring Me The Horizon, High in the Garden – Sorcha Richardson

Favourite Series: How I met your Mother, Insatiable, Big Bang Theory, American Horror Story, Modern Family, F is for Family, After Life, An Idiot Abroad

Favourite Animation/Cartoon: Moana (movie), How to Train Your Dragon (movie)

Favourite Anime: Re: Zero, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Akame Ga Kill!, Gate

Favourite Character: Esdeath from Akame Ga Kill!

Favourite Comic: Angel Sanctuary

Favourite Colour: Black

Likes: Going to the beach, boat rides, rollercoasters/theme parks, braais with my closest people, PC games with friends

Dislikes: People who get offended by everything, the cold, closed minded people, babies, Greek food

BIO: I’m from a small town on the outskirts of Johannesburg. I grew up around lots of wild animals and space to run around and get into trouble in. I remember in pre-school I had a Superman and a Spider-Man costume which I wore religiously. I would wear it to school, to the shops, to friends’ houses and to sleep.

I would hang out at my friend’s house most weekends and remember her mom always sewing or knitting, stained glass lamp making…literally anything artistic. That inspired me to keep busy by making things. I had always thought sewing was super cool and in my first attempt, I remember cutting up my mother’s bedding to make a dress Mariah Carey wore to one of the music awards back in the day. The dress was similar to the Morticia Addams dress, just more low cut and no sleeves.

It didn’t work out but I got it to fit on some of my body before it fell apart.

My thirst for sewing was satiated until I saw Yuna’s outfit in final fantasy X-2. I wanted to make it so badly! I tried again, and not knowing what fabrics to use or where to get wigs, I ended up throwing the result in the trash. If I can tell you one thing from my experiences, it’s that you will only keep improving. The more research you do and the more practice and patience you put into things consistently, the more you will notice yourself inching towards your goals.

I still have some dream cosplays that are out of reach at the moment but you learn more and more every day. 🖤

Your Last Words: Gross!

Motto/Slogan: Those who run from death stood still in life (Kindred, League of Legends)